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The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP) at Rutgers University-Newark (RU-N) provides support to faculty, students, and staff across RU-N working to secure external funding for their research, service, outreach projects, and academic programs.

ORSP staff are available to meet with members of the RU-N community to discuss their research and academic interests and connect them to funding resources and collaborative opportunities. We welcome principal investigators/project directors at all levels of expertise to discuss specific proposals with us or to explore new ideas and possibilities.

Schedule an individual meeting, one-on-one training session, or group presentation/seminar by contacting your dedicated Contract/Grant Specialist or any other member of the ORSP team.

Joel Caplan, Ph.D.
Senior Vice Chancellor for Research and Collaborations
Phone: 973-353-1537
Brandi Williams
Senior Administrative Assistant
Phone: 973-353-1538

Ipsita Sengupta
Research Contract/Grant Specialist
Phone: 973-353-1539



Christina Altamura
Research Contract/Grant Specialist
Phone: 973-353-1540



        Jacqueline Martinez
        Research Contract/Grant Specialist
        Phone: 973-353-3461


Experienced university administrator with substantial expertise in developing structure and compliance controls to ensure streamlined operations, efficiency, and success of departments involved in research and sponsored programs. Throughout my 18-year career as a university administrator, I have held positions such as Post-award Manager for Grants and Contracts, Pre- and Post-Award Business Manager for the Dean's Office of Research, Director of Administration for Digital Media and Special Projects, Director of Faculty Affairs, and Executive Director of Sponsored Programs. I've built a reputation for continually improving business processes and systems, enhancing at-risk projects using technology to improve grant portfolio visibility for easier administration and reporting. I have a Master of Business Administration in accounting and project management, Master of Science in Project Management and Ph.D. in Biomedical Informatics.  

Anthony L. Mayo, Ph.D.
Senior Grant Facilitator
Phone: 973-353-1533